Chubb pledges $10,000 for dementia care in Singapore
The grant will be used to improve a digital assistance platform.
The The Chubb Charitable Foundation has awarded Dementia Singapore, a social service agency specialising in dementia care, a $10,000 grant
The grant will be used to support Dementia Singapore's activities to promote dementia care through CARA – a lifestyle and community digital platform that provides easy access for persons living with dementia and caregivers to connect to an ecosystem of solutions.
CARA, an acronym for Community, Assurance, Rewards, Acceptance – the four main functions of the membership programme, is the first dementia membership programme of its kind in the world. It is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. The CARA membership and app download is free.
In Singapore, one in 10 people aged 60 and above suffers from dementia and this corresponds to approximately 82,000 people in 2018. This number is also projected to increase to 152,000 by 2030
"We are delighted to partner with Dementia Singapore to support the development of the CARA app as well as other campaigns towards members' engagement. Through these efforts, we are doing our part to help make dementia more manageable for all,” Chubb Insurance Singapore Limited's Country President Kevin Bogardus said.